
I'm commited to working in this blog. In sharing the adventures I have as I venture into art, craft, life and healing from the deep scars of severe depression. I'm happy you're here looking and sharing in what is my small world.

Friday, February 18, 2011


I spent my first full week as a telecommuter this week and let me just say….I LOVED IT! Some things that I MUST do though, I must get up and get dressed and showered every day before I start work. It helps me feel human and fully functional. I MUST eat breakfast. I’ve been skipping it almost everyday this week! BAD! I must take my lunch break away from the computer. It’s to easy to just shift over to my home computer and surf…I need to get out or something.


And here’s what I’ve been working on. She’s done in sharpie pen and crayola crayon, while I wait for the arrival of my prisma color pencils for Suzi Blu’s Petite Dolls class:


Not terrible, eh? For crayon anyway…

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